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Huachuan Group and other 15 large household energy customers signed the

Source:Zhejiang Huachuan Industrial Group Co., Ltd. Release time:2017-04-10

On April 9, Jin Zhongcai, manager of the Electrical Department, participated in the Jinhua City energy saving and consumption reduction work conference. Yan Gaowen, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, Jin Zhongliang, Vice chairman of the Municipal Political Consultative Conference He Meihua, Shao Guoqiang, Assistant Mayor Li Guohui attended the meeting and delivered an important speech. The leaders of the counties and cities, the economic and trade commissions of the counties and cities, the heads of the relevant functional departments and the representatives of 15 households with an annual coal consumption of 40,000 ~ 180,000 tons of standard coal attended the meeting. At the meeting, Jin Zhongliang on behalf of the municipal government and the counties (cities, districts) signed the "2008 annual energy conservation and consumption reduction work responsibility letter", the person in charge of the Municipal Economic Commission and the city's 15 annual comprehensive energy consumption of 40,000 to 180,000 tons of standard coal enterprises signed the "energy conservation and consumption reduction target responsibility letter".

The meeting pointed out that in recent years, our city attaches great importance to energy conservation and consumption reduction work, through the joint efforts, energy conservation and consumption reduction work has achieved initial results. Last year, while the main economic indicators grew rapidly, the city achieved a decline in four aspects of energy conservation and consumption reduction indicators: The comprehensive energy consumption per unit GDP of the city decreased by about 4.15%, the comprehensive power consumption of GDP decreased by about 0.4%, the comprehensive energy consumption of industrial added value decreased by about 8%, and the power consumption of industrial added value decreased by about 2.9%, which better completed the target task of the annual energy conservation and consumption reduction work responsibility letter.

While fully affirming the achievements in energy conservation and consumption reduction in our city, Vice Mayor Jin Zhongliang also pointed out that the current energy conservation and consumption reduction work is still grim situation: the effect of industrial structure adjustment is not obvious, the space for energy conservation and consumption reduction is getting smaller and smaller, and the task of energy conservation and consumption reduction is very difficult. In response to these problems, the meeting made it clear that the focus of energy conservation and consumption reduction work in 2008 is "three more attention" : first, pay more attention to improving the level of awareness of energy conservation and consumption reduction, and establish the concept of "economic development is a political achievement, saving resources and protecting the environment is also a political achievement"; The second is to pay more attention to the implementation of energy conservation and consumption reduction work, so as to adjust the structure, manage the increase, rely on science and technology, control the stock, implement policies, standardize the main body, improve the mechanism, form a synergy, strengthen publicity, comprehensive promotion of five aspects of work; Third, pay more attention to the organization and leadership of energy conservation and consumption reduction work, further strengthen supervision and assessment, through strict and detailed assessment, commend a group of units and individuals who have outstanding achievements in energy conservation work, and give certain spiritual and material rewards, at the same time, expose some units and cases of wasting resources and energy, and deal with some serious dereliction of duty personnel. We will vigorously promote the in-depth and effective implementation of energy conservation and consumption reduction.

The meeting stressed that 2008 is a key year for the completion of the "eleventh Five-Year Plan" energy conservation goals, and the whole city should fight in a unified manner, starting from grasping production and energy conservation, management and energy conservation, establishing a scientific concept of development, and ensuring that energy conservation and consumption reduction work has made new breakthroughs.

According to the energy conservation and consumption reduction responsibility letter, our group's energy conservation goal in 2008 is to save 3,700 tons of standard coal per year, strive to save 4,100 standard coal, and reduce energy consumption per unit of GDP by 6%. To achieve this energy-saving goal, it is necessary for all cadres and staff of the company to work together, take economic and technological innovation as the starting point, rely on energy-saving projects, implement energy-saving measures and responsibilities, ensure the completion of annual energy-saving targets and tasks, strive to exceed the completion of energy-saving indicators, and make new contributions to the sustainable and healthy development of the group.